A big week, film-wise.
Tomorrow night Piney Gir will be launching the video to her new single "I Don't Know Why I Feel Like Cryin' But I Do" at The Renoir cinema, Brunswick Square. Also showing will be some old favourites, including the big screen debut of the video John and I made for "Great Divide". I've been preparing for the event by contacting everyone I know to find someone to transfer our beloved production to Digibeta.
After drawing a few blanks with agencies I know through work, a colleague recommended a very helpful team off Charlotte Street who produced an equally-acceptable SP version. "Just in time," I thought, breathing a sigh of relief. Within a couple of hours John e-mailed to say they would be projecting from a DVD version!
Never mind - we made a valuable new contact who kindly offered us a Digibeta version for the cost of the tape in the very near future.
The icing on the the cake was hearing from the Straight8 organisers. My solo entry (no time to sort out a team effort this year, sadly) "One Across" has been selected for their Straight8 'Art' event on a date to be announced (might be a long wait - the 2006 event was in January!).
I shot this in some time grabbed between changing nappies just after Anna was born. I had some camera problems midway through, meaning I needed to spend more time shooting. This took up most of the second day on which I'd originally planned to edit the sound, so I ended up doing that in a couple of hours before jumping on the train to Soho to deliver it.
I've no idea what it looks like - this being the point of Straight8 - so it could end up rather more arty than I intended..!