Tuesday 15 April 2008

The Method and The Tale

The Winter's Tale - Term 3, Week 2

Tonight we concentrated the part between Screaming Jay Hawkins' "I Put A Spell On You" and Bobby Darin's "Take Good Care Of My Baby".

The focus is now on creating a performance. There was a brief discussion on internalisation and Method acting and some experimentation with the game "It's Tuesday" (actors in neutral, director announces "It's Tuesday", actors respond with an extreme version of a chosen emotion). The subsequent performance was greatly improved. Still need to work on those lines though.

The wiki is working! People have accessed it and amended the text, although no one has turned up with a printed version yet. I'm planning to have a complete version which I can personalise with a format with highlights my own lines.

The lines that currently get the most laughs:

A gross hag
And, lozel, thou art worthy to be hang'd,
That wilt not stay her tongue.

Hang all the husbands
That cannot do that feat, you'll leave yourself
Hardly one subject.

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