Wednesday 11 July 2007

Gaining momentum - Oedipus Rex: Night 4 (Wednesday)

Twice as many in the audience tonight as on Monday and Tuesday, which makes it feel as we're building up to something, with the same expected tomorrow night and a probably sell out on Friday. And then..? After 15 months work, we're going to miss it when it finishes.

It didn't occur to me until afterward how well it went tonight. The cast arrived on time and did a much better warm up than last night, which seemed to improve concentration. I still don't think I've nailed my prologue speech about "Chinatown", but I wasn't worrying about that once we got inside The Leper Chapel. The performance level seemed more consistent, the energy seemed better channelled into the performance, there were no injuries and no strained voices.

More young neighbourhood theatre critics turned up to watch the ending outside, but refrained from offering commment.

I must admit my unfamiliarity with the story of Oedipus. My assumptions were originally based on a limited knowledge and understanding of Freud's Oedipus Complex (something we explore in one of the choruses). It wasn't until I did Robert McKee's Story Seminar that I found out Oedipus's crimes were unwitting. This reminded me of the myth of Narcissus. The definition of narcissism gives no hint that Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection without knowing what it was.

I wonder what else I don't know?

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