Saturday 28 June 2008

The Winter's Tale - night 5

The inevitable happened and the arrival of Harry's baby is imminent, meaning director Richard steps into his place. This increases tension slightly as we're all wondering how it will go, though he assures us: "I think I know the lines." We run through the dance steps and lip-synching beforehand.

We all want it to go well, so we're very focused and the tension increases through the first hour. There are a few walk outs when we move back outside. One distracted me slightly, but I recovered. As usual no one else notices, Radar admitting he just listens for his cue in the last line of each speech. The rain holds off nicely, just starting to spot as we move back inside for the final two scenes.

It's getting harder to squeeze out tears in the finale. I'm tired and the tension in my head is impeding me somehow, drawing me back to reality. This changed abruptly after the end when the 88% of the audience who remained gave us an extra curtain call!

One night left now. I'll feel sad tomorrow and next week will seem quite empty. But as Richard pointed out, Oedipus Rex is coming up in a couple of weeks...

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